Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Healthy Holiday Eating Tip #1:

The bottom line for anyone who wants to keep a grip on their weight and not pack on any more pounds during these year-end holidays or any holiday is: Don’t let yourself get seduced by your favorite foods and drinks. It’s SO not worth it. Eat them in total moderation when you have to.

Holiday Happenings are just excuses to keep eating more, to keep wallowing in the same old behavior that got you in trouble in the first place.

Tell me I'm wrong.

It’s up to you to break the cycle of allowing yourself the excuse to continue gorging and packing it in till the day after when those ugly, unhealthy, unwanted pounds will surely puff out your face, tummy, hips and big butt.

Remember: you wear exactly what you eat.

A heaping tablespoon of your favorite food should do you, and then let that be it! Why do you need more?

Make “Walk and weigh every single day” your health and fitness mantra through all holidays, birthdays, Super Bowl and beyond.

One very important aspect of motivation is to find the willingness to stop and realistically look at exactly what you’re eating and the way you’re behaving that keeps your weight on, and do something about it.

This simple process of focusing on foods that you normally take for granted, like what you think is healthy eating, is a powerful source for improved health, wellness, happiness and creativity.”
Get creative – make these Holiday Eating Survival Tips your own.

You’ll be glad you did!
And there are NO excuses.

Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night!

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