Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why Do Diets Fail?

Laura Dion-Jones

“Winners never quit and quitters never win.”


Recent expert statistics claim that diets aren’t working.
I say: Baloney!
Here’s why:
The “experts” need to redefine “healthy eating” because what’s healthy for some isn’t healthy for others – especially for those who are highly carb sensitive like me - and if you struggle to lose weight, maybe like you, too.
In listening to the medical media spout their mostly outdated diet dogma, the majority of them tout the same old - same old, which never worked for me and obviously isn’t working for you or any of the overweight people across our nation, either.
The latest buzz is that the Mediterranean Diet is the best diet above all others. I will tell you this: it didn’t work well enough for me – regardless of the health benefits. I’m way too hyperinsulinemic – I overproduce insulin - and those legumes and certain fruit do me in, retarding my weight loss every single step of the way. I have to eat low-glycemic regardless of the complexity of the carb . . .

The first thing you should do is no longer think of your new eating plan as a “diet,” but as the way you have to live from now on. It’s easier than you think.
To change your lifestyle, you have to be in it for the long haul to win it.
And second, you have to begin to change your mind.
Please stop blaming race, socio-economic issues and the economy for the way you eat. You are the only one putting food into your mouth. No one else is doing it to you . . .

By making better food choices and adding a few simple changes, like, picking a healthy, effective eating plan – or as we used to call it back in the day – a “diet,” and by exercising portion control, and adding an hour of serious daily cardio into the mix, you’ll be much healthier for it.
But you really gotta wanna lose weight, and no one can wanna for you – but you . . . and it has to be something personal. Something that’s truly meaningful to you, like, you’re sick of hauling yourself around. And, believe me, I speak from past experience.
You must be fully committed from the beginning. You have to make up your mind to “Commit To Get Fit” and develop a positive mindset from the giddy-yup.
Learn to meditate: If you think you can do this alone, think again. Daily positive self-talk works wonders, but there’s nothing like daily meditation for reinforcing your resolve. Works wonders for me.
Set daily and weekly weight and fitness goals. But be sure to weigh every day and keep a record of it in your fitness journal. You do have one, don’t you? How else will you know where you’re going if you don’t keep a daily health and fitness journal? It’s your roadmap to success. Use all of your daily numbers to motivate yourself.
Once you define your diet and daily cardio, you’ll begin to lose weight, you’ll feel satisfied and energized, no longer hungry, sloppy and sluggish. If you do, you’re not on the right diet for you.
When you fall off the diet, health and fitness wagon, forgive yourself, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and begin again – the very NEXT meal. Stop beating yourself up and obsessing over it.
Need a jumpstart?
Come join us for Commit To Get Fit With Laura Dion-Jones, an Internet motivational weight loss support group beginning Tuesday, March 26th at 7 PM, and then almost every Tuesday evening for 12 weeks until June 18th.
Two Exceptions: Our 2nd meeting will be on Thursday, April 4th at 7 PM. And our 7th meeting will be on Thursday, May 9th at 7 PM CST.
Please go to my website for more details and call-in info - available soon.
Beginning Monday, April 1st at 7 PM CST and for the next 13 weeks, I will have a new, half-hour cable TV show, Commit To Get Fit With Laura Dion-Jones that will coincide with my Internet weight loss support group by the same name.
There will not be a TV show on Memorial Day.
However, there WILL be a C2GF class on the day after Memorial Day, so be sure to watch what you eat that holiday weekend!

Remember: There are no short cuts. None.
If you quit now, you’ll never win.

# # #

* If you know of any corporation, organization, company, group or individuals that are interested in having me present my "Commit To Get Fit With Laura Dion-Jones" motivational weight loss and wellness programs, I give a highly effective presentation tailored specifically for you. Contact info below:

* Laura Dion-Jones is a Pro-Health Activist, Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, Certified Wellness Coach, Radio Show Host, motivational & lifestyle writer & speaker.

* Through Laura's highly successful Commit To Get Fit/Elgin's Biggest Loser motivational weight loss and wellness program, Laura helped motivate over 182 Elgin area residents to lose 1800 pounds in a little over 18 months.
Here's hoping you'll be next.

* Laura is available for speaking engagements, individual coaching, and corporate wellness programs.
Email for further details.

Laura's New Blog:
And don't forget the pups: Snob Hounds Canine Couture:

* As with any new diet and fitness plan, be sure to check with your physician before you begin.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Stop Wearing What You Eat: Take Responsibility

Laura Dion-Jones

“Don’t just stumble into the future.
You create your own future.”
Roger Smith
(American Business Executive)

             Did it ever occur to you that you wear what you eat?
             Yep . . . so take a real good look!
Becasue every day, it’s up to each one of us to decide what we will and will not put in our mouths.
Choosing to say “yes” to a healthier lifestyle is a decision only you can make, and saying yes is just the first step in making that choice a reality.
It all comes down to knowing what you really want.
Start telling the truth to yourself about where you’re at right now with your weight, and what you eat.
picture credit to Ghetto Red Hot

And if this looks like you, then believe me, there is hope. You can actually become successful in your dieting and daily exercise efforts this go ‘round - no matter how many times you’ve tried in the past.
It’s a brand new day with a brand new you waiting on the horizon.
But, it’s the old story: “You gotta wanna.”
And then you have to take positive steps toward confident, healthier choices that will get you where you want to go - with your weight, your health, your fitness, your appearance, and your life.
When you start to realize that you wear what you eat and are ready to take responsibility for the foods you consume and the exercise you do - or do not do, you will begin to see a change.
Every positive food choice you make, every step you take toward making daily walking a life-long habit, brings you that much closer to your goal of a new, thinner, healthier, happier, more vibrant and fit you.
The knowledge you gain with each step you take will empower you. You’ll begin to realize that you are totally in control of your life, your fitness - and your future.
Only you.
Knowing you are on your way to attaining your wellness goals because you are able to, because you want to, rather than because you have to, makes a huge difference in the way you continue to move forward.
When you are in control of every morsel that you put into your mouth and every step you take toward your weight loss and fitness goals, the obstacles that stand in your way become challenges you can overcome, and your journey starts to be an adventure instead of a prison sentence.
Your new you is waiting.
Your future is in your hands.
Stop stumbling into the future. Create your own.
Stop wearing all the carby-crap you eat . . .
And if you’re ready to Commit To Get Fit and find the secret to your own true and everlasting weight loss with me, email or call me and let’s begin because we’re starting an internet motivaitonal weight loss support program just for you.
We’ll “meet” once a week for an hour via a video conference call service – and go through my 12-week, “Commit To Get Fit With Laura Dion-Jones” motivaitonal weight loss and wellness program.
So if you’re looking to jumpstart your weight loss, health and wellness plan – please email me ASAP to register.
Class begins the last week of March, exact day and time to be determined. Probably Tuesday evenings at 7 PM, but I’ll let you know as soon as we have the details firmed up.
So, don’t wait to sign up cos space is limited.

# # #

* If you know of any corporation, organization, company, group or individuals that are interested in having me come and present my "Commit To Get Fit With Laura Dion-Jones" motivational weight loss and wellness programs, I give a highly effective presentation tailored specifically for you. Contact info below:

* Laura Dion-Jones is a Pro-Health Activist, Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, Certified Wellness Coach, Radio Show Host, motivational & lifestyle writer & speaker.

* Through Laura's highly successful Commit To Get Fit/Elgin's Biggest Loser motivational weight loss and wellness program, Laura helped motivate over 182 Elgin area residents to lose 1800 pounds in a little over 18 months.
Here's hoping you'll be next.

* Laura is available for speaking engagements, individual coaching, and corporate wellness programs.
Email for further details.

Laura's New Blog:
And don't forget the pups: Snob Hounds Canine Couture:

* As with any new diet and fitness plan, be sure to check with your physician before you begin.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

They Don’t Call It Fat Tuesday For Nothin’!

Laura Dion-Jones

“Keys to success . . . Research your idea, Plan for success, Expect success, and just plain do it!
It amazes me how many people skip the last step!
Practice being a “doer”
and success will follow you every step of the way!”

Alfred A. Montapert

            Some of us live like every day is Fat Tuesday, and Boy, they don’t call it that for nothin’.
Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday, which refers to the practice of the last night of eating richer, carb-ier, fatty foods before the ritual fasting (or giving up something in sacrifice like sweets or cigarettes) for the Lenten season, which begins on Ash Wednesday. And that’s next Wednesday, is it not?

            And to add insult to injury for us choco-holics, this year, Ash Wednesday falls on the day before Valentines Day!
Every year at this time, I use Lent as a way to get a good grip on my sweet consumption.
Once an addict, always an addict, I say. It’s all in how well you manage your addiction.
Once again, I’ve decided to lighten the load a little and lose about 10 more pounds by my birthday June 10th, so I’m making the bold statement of giving up ALL sweets from Ash Wednesday till Easter Sunday morning. This outta do the trick for me . . . we’ll see.
How ‘bout you? What’re you giving up for Lent?
You gotta have a plan and oftentimes people attempt to lose weight without a real one. Sure, they try to combine a healthy, effective, low carb eating strategy with daily cardio and they lose a few pounds, but get lax and lazy - and before they know it – they’ve packed all the weight they lost right back on.
And sometimes even more.
I had a plan right from the giddy-yup; experimented and improvised as I went along to find what worked for me - and what didn’t, and now I share my successful strategies with you.
I’ve found that the “Keys” to true and everlasting weight loss success truly are to research your diet – find the one that works best for you. Low carb works like a charm for me as well as for many others who constantly struggle with their weight.
Make your plan for success – write it all down every step of the way, every single day. Your weight, distance walked, even the foods you eat. Record it all in your fitness journal. Daily.
Then you just plain gotta do it!
No excuses.
Stop wishing.
Practice doing, and by all means, expect success – you deserve it.
Try it and see . . . what have you got to lose but all your unhealthy, unwanted weight.
Aren’t you worth it?

# # #

* If you know of any corporation, organization, company, group or individuals that are interested in having me come and present my "Commit To Get Fit" motivational weight loss and wellness programs in the beginning of 2013, I will put on a highly effective presentation tailored specifically for you. Contact info below:

* Laura Dion-Jones is a Pro-Health Activist, Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, Certified Wellness Coach, Radio Show Host, motivational & lifestyle writer & speaker.

* Through Laura's highly successful Commit To Get Fit/Elgin's Biggest Loser motivational weight loss and wellness program, Laura helped motivate over 182 Elgin area residents to lose 1800 pounds in a little over 18 months.
Here's hoping you'll be next.

* Laura is available for speaking engagements, individual coaching, and corporate wellness programs.
Email for further details.

Laura's New Blog:
And don't forget the pups: Snob Hounds Canine Couture:

* As with any new diet and fitness plan, be sure to check with your physician before you begin.