Saturday, August 31, 2013

Even on Labor Day Carbs Count Anyway!

Laura Dion-Jones

“Work spares us from three evils;
Boredom, vice, and need.”

     As you’re getting ready for a big eatin’ weekend to celebrate the unofficial end of summer – be sure to get your hour of daily cardio in – regardless.

     There are no more excuses for continuing to stay overweight, unhealthy – and at risk.

     Take a long look at yourself in the mirror . . . right smack, straight in your eye. You know exactly what you need to do to finally Commit To Get Fit – and Find the Secret to Your Own True and Everlasting Weight Loss – once and for all. Call me . . .

     Meanwhile, just know that you cannot exercise away a bad diet, and daily cardio certainly helps keep a handle on things – especially where over eating’s involved.

3 Aces Chicago, Ace Burger - BEFORE
3 Aces Chicago, Ace Burger - After!

Laura’s Low Carb Holiday Eating Survival Tip #1:

     Eat the burger, not the bun and don’t even think about eating all the fries, either – even at 3 Aces Chicago where they’re at their hand-cut, homemade catsup best!! Practice this and you’ll be Golden come Tuesday morning when you step on that scale the day after your Labor Day weekend binge. Cos you just KNOW you’re gonna do it, regardless of what I say.

     Remember: You wear everything you eat . . . just ditch the dang bun, unless you want your butt lookin’ like a big, giant pretzel roll! It’s your ass . . .

     Also, a good dose of daily cardio curbs your cravings so you’ll overeat less carb-laden crap at this weekend’s festivities.

     A minimum of an hour of daily cardio combined with a healthy, effective low carb diet spares you from the evils of a lifetime of chronic obesity - and worse.

     Just sayin’.

     How do you want to spend the rest of your life?
     Happy Labor Day to all!

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* If you know of any corporation, organization, company, group or individuals that are interested in having Laura present her "Commit To Get Fit" motivational weight loss and wellness programs in the beginning of 2013, she will put on a highly effective presentation tailored specifically for you. Contact info below:

* Laura Dion-Jones is a Pro-Health Activist, Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, Certified Wellness Coach, TV & Radio Show Host, motivational & lifestyle writer, speaker and author: Commit To Get Fit: Find the Secret to Your Own True and Everlasting Weight Loss.

* Through Laura's highly successful Commit To Get Fit/Elgin's Biggest Loser motivational weight loss and wellness program, Laura helped motivate many of Elgin and Fox Valley area residents to lose significant amounts of weight.
     Here's hoping you'll be next.

* Laura is available for speaking engagements, individual coaching, and corporate wellness programs.
Email for further details.

And don't forget the pups: Snob Hounds Canine Couture: Think Nike meets Donna Karan, but for canines!

* As with any new diet and fitness plan, be sure to check with your physician before you begin.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Stop Looking Outside Yourself for That Magic Weight Loss Bullet!

By Laura Dion-Jones

Why do we constantly search outside ourselves for what we already know to be effective measures for true and everlasting weight loss?
A recent weight loss article in Forbes got my dander up:
Study Finds Healthy Diet Can Help Reverse Brain Damage Caused By Overeating, Aid In Permanent Weight Loss,” by Melanie Haiken.
Diet and exercise do matter regardless of these studies. White starch and sugar are the biggest culprits of obesity and the medical and media establishments know it.
The constant quest for "the next new diet" and not working with our bodies to heal the damage we've done through years of eating high carb and fats proves it. Break the white starch and sugar carb addiction, combined with daily cardio and your unhealthy weight will fall off and stay off for as long as you stick to your new, healthy, low carb lifestyle eating and daily exercise plan. 
     We have been taught to dislike the 4-letter word: Diet. But a diet by any other name is STILL a diet.
And, as the Forbes article claims, is it really possible to heal the hypothalamus at all or is just breaking the carb addiction combined with daily cardio enough?
      The fact that TV's "The Biggest Loser" contestants regain almost all of their weight within 1-2 years following their "15 Minutes of Fame" is proof that unless you make the diet you've chosen to lose your unhealthy weight once and for all your forever eating lifestyle - the weight ain't gonna stay off. Unless you break your white starch and sugar carb addiction - you're doomed to more of the same yo-yoing struggle forever. 
       And all the prescription weight loss drugs in the world will not keep your weight off if you do not live your healthier eating plan for life.

     The statement made by Dr. Louis Aronne, "We don’t know exactly how it works," tells me it's the medical establishment’s same old-same old, while breaking one's addiction to harmful carbs is undoubtedly one of the crucial keys to true and everlasting weight loss - combined with a minimum of an hour of cardio a day, that is.
     Further, for Dr. Aronne to say, the drugs he advises people to take "have been studied very thoroughly and these (negative) concerns are unfounded. And more importantly, the seriousness of the health problems – and the increased risk of death – associated with obesity outweigh the risks of the drugs," is ridiculous. It's not his heart and vital organs that would be at risk from taking these questionable weight loss meds.
      I don't know about you, but I'd rather stay fat than risk heart valve damage or anything else because of the side effects from Qsymia and Belviq.
      And, you simply cannot exercise away a bad diet nor can you take magic potions and pills to do it for you, either. You have to suck it up and break the carb addiction - getting it done for yourself in order for your unhealthy weight to come off and stay off once and for all.
      As some of you know, I'm living proof. I'm in my 10th year of weight loss maintenance, down 150 pounds, from a low carb Atkins lifestyle combined with serious daily cardio.

Thoughts on this?


Comments on my letter above from a guy named, Tony and a guy names Sam:
     Yes, the carb intake must be reduced because it does so much harm to our systems but you still have to burn more calories than you eat or you won't lose weight.  That is as simple as it gets.
Like Dr. Aronne says, “you can't keep putting more gas in the tank without running the engine to burn it up or else you start storing gas and your car (your body) keeps getting heavier and heavier.”     Hence, the saying you can't exercise away a bad diet. 
     A diet is worse for you if it’s all fat and carbs.  However if a person only burns 2000 calories a day through their daily activity and keeps consuming 3000 calories of “healthy” food a day, guess what?  They are going to continue to gain weight even on a “healthy” diet. 
     It takes both to lose and maintain your desired weight: A combination of a healthy diet and daily exercise.  More burning than consuming to lose initially and then a balance of burn and consume to maintain.

That is a wakeup call. I passed the stress test easily but the found a blockage. I take a cholesterol control med and workout. I read up on cooking oils and use olive oil in eating recipes. I just started cooking with coconut oil. I’m assuming you use cardio and weight training?  Sam
Darling Sam,
Cut your white starch and sugar carbs down to 35 gr. a day and combine with (working up to) a minimum of an hour's cardio a day. Weight training min of 3 days a week along with core strength and balance training. And you'll not only be lighter, healthier and more svelte, you'll be Golden, too!

# # #

* If you know of any corporation, organization, company, group or individuals that are interested in having Laura present her "Commit To Get Fit" motivational weight loss and wellness programs in the beginning of 2013, she will put on a highly effective presentation tailored specifically for you. Contact info below:

* Laura Dion-Jones is a Pro-Health Activist, Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, Certified Wellness Coach, TV & Radio Show Host, motivational & lifestyle writer, speaker and author: Commit To Get Fit: Find the Secret to Your Own True and Everlasting Weight Loss.

* Through Laura's highly successful Commit To Get Fit/Elgin's Biggest Loser motivational weight loss and wellness program, Laura helped motivate many of Elgin and Fox Valley area residents to lose significant amounts of weight.
Here's hoping you'll be next.

* Laura is available for speaking engagements, individual coaching, and corporate wellness programs.
Email for further details.

And don't forget the pups: Snob Hounds Canine Couture: Think Nike meets Donna Karan, but for canines!

* As with any new diet and fitness plan, be sure to check with your physician before you begin.
Laura Dion-Jones

Friday, August 2, 2013

Set Clear Weight Loss and Wellness Goals

Laura Dion-Jones

“The only way of finding the limits of the possible
is by going beyond them into the impossible.”
Arthur C. Clarke
(British science fiction author:
2001: A Space Odyssey, inventor, and futurist)

            I was recently interviewed on eHealth Radio’s Fitness, Weight Management and Nutrition channel by host, Eric Michaels. You can find the podcast on my website under the NEWS tab.
            What will you gain from listening to this interview? The opportunity to use my words as a “Commit To Get Fit mini tune-up” that will hopefully help get you back on track with your weight loss and daily cardio routines – cos right about now, I hear a lot of you are still struggling with your weight loss and wellness plans. And you shouldn’t be . . . cos it’s not all that difficult to lose your unhealthy, unwanted weight just like I did - once and for all.
            My eHealth interview is a little something to help you find your way back to the road to wellness - look at it as the “Cliff Notes” of what I cover in my Commit To Get Fit With Laura Dion-Jones book, presentations and seminars.
And if you’re thinking about Olympic Gold someday – it might be a stretch for you and little too early (or late) for that, but one thing’s for sure – in order to succeed in any weight loss and wellness plan, you have to set clear weight loss and wellness goals and reinforce them every day.
And if you’ve fallen off the wellness wagon, you need to climb back on and begin again, right now - today.
Want to walk or run a faster lap? Yen for a quicker step? Wanna lose 20, 40, 100 pounds or more? Be able to walk an hour without needing a nap after?
These things could very well happen but your first step is to define your weight loss and wellness goals by writing them down and/or stating them out loud to your class, friends, family, co-workers, boss, or me, your new motivational weight loss coach. Tell someone who will remember your intentions and remind you about them – and hold you accountable.
When you “go public” with your goals, it’s hard to break the contract you set up with yourself and others. It gets really embarrassing when you don’t stick to your goal.
The difference between a goal and a daydream is that the goal requires action to achieve it. The daydream happens the rest of the time when we’re sitting on the sofa, driving – or just contemplating.
Do what I did: learn to hold yourself accountable – cos who else is there in the end but you, really?
Write your goals down in your fitness journal and also post them where you’ll see them the most – fridge, freezer, bathroom mirror, on your computer screen, dashboard - places like that.
Your next step is to give yourself a reasonable deadline. Do like I always do for important events, holidays, and other significant benchmarks – I count backwards from the deadline date and set myself daily points of reference on my calendar to keep me on track along the way.
Creating smaller, incremental goals to motivate you as you go will help keep you on track.
Make everything you do count toward your end objective of improved health, fitness, weight loss and wellness.
When you write it all down – your goals become your reason, your road map – the “why” you’re doing it in the first place.
I can help you figure out the “how” that fits in with your daily lifestyle – but I can’t do it for you.
All I can tell you is the only way of finding the limits of what’s possible with regard to your weight loss and wellness is by going beyond them into the impossible.
Walk, weigh and write it all down every day. Use everything you do as motivation. Nothing else matters if we do not have better health and fitness. How can we help others if we cannot help ourselves?
Now, go listen to my eHealth radio podcast for that blast of positive fresh air and motivational support you need right about now . . .
Yours in terrific health,

# # #

* If you know of any corporation, organization, company, group or individuals that are interested in having me come and present my "Commit To Get Fit" motivational weight loss and wellness programs in the beginning of 2013, I will put on a highly effective presentation tailored specifically for you. Contact info below:

* Laura Dion-Jones is a Pro-Health Activist, Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, Certified Wellness Coach, TV & Radio Show Host, motivational & lifestyle writer, speaker and author.

* Through Laura's highly successful Commit To Get Fit/Elgin's Biggest Loser motivational weight loss and wellness program, Laura helped motivate many of Elgin and Fox Valley area residents to lose 1800 pounds. Here's hoping you'll be next.

* Laura is available for speaking engagements, individual coaching, and corporate wellness programs.
Email for further details.

And don't forget the pups: Snob Hounds Canine Couture: Think Nike meets Donna Karan, but for canines!

* As with any new diet and fitness plan, be sure to check with your physician before you begin.