Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Da Super Bowl, Da Booz, Da Diet and You

Laura Dion-Jones

“If you wanna know about the road ahead,
ask someone who’s on her way back.”

Old Chinese Proverb

Da Super Bowl game this Sunday is absolutely no excuse to eat junk food like there’s no tomorrow, and it won’t help Da teams win – not even one little bit. And it certainly won’t help da diet, either.

But what it will do is retard your weight loss and wellness efforts too early into your New Year’s health and fitness plan if you don’t watch what you’re eating.

If you find yourself getting swept up in the football frenzy of food, drink and fun – you have to learn how to enjoy yourself without carb-cramming like everyone else at the party. Maybe others can afford it – but you certainly can’t.

And as far as using Da Super Bowl as an excuse for not losing weight next Monday morning at your personal weigh-in, I wouldn’t if I were you. It’s become one of my least favorite excuses of all. 

Sure, excuses like this can be funny at first, but in the end, how funny is it to sacrifice your health, weight loss and wellness for mere football fun food. 

And, BTW, you do have a personal weigh-in with yourself every morning, don’t you? Weighing every single day is a crucial key to true and everlasting weight loss.

Trust me.

A lot of us got through the holidays pretty well unscathed, weight-wise, but that was then and this is now . . . I wish I had a dollar for every time one of you use football games and other BS “holiday” celebrations as excuses for your mystified gain.

Partying hardy, eating everything in sight with reckless abandon just isn’t worth it in the long run – as you’ll soon find out the next time you step on the scale. 

Personally, I don’t care if you eat carbs like crazy till the cows come home. That’s your choice. I finally made my peace with my weight and found the keys to true and everlasting weight loss. I can only share what worked for me with you. If you think you know better, so be it. However, you’re not fooling anyone but yourself because it’s written all over your body and your face. 

When I congratulate you on a big weight loss and job well done for the past week, and some of you snicker and say in an aside to the rest of the group within earshot – “Don’t tell Laura, but I ate carbs!” That’s entirely your choice. 

I’m not your enemy – you and your diet demons are.

Sooner or later it will catch up with you – and you’ll continue to be stuck in the same old weighty situation you’ve been trapped in for how long now? Aren’t you tired of it? I was dog-tired the third time my weight skyrocketed to over 300 pounds in ’02 – this last time tipping the scale at 317. That was IT for me. 

What’s gonna be IT for you?

Whatever diet you choose is, of course, up to you. Whatever you’re doing to lose weight, or not, is up to you. I just hope you choose a healthy eating plan that you can live with for the rest of your life. Because if it’s not, the joke’s on you. It’s not my weight, heath and fitness that are at stake here. It’s yours.

If you continue to eat the same way that got you into this overweight trouble in the first place, you’ll continue to get the same old results. What else do you expect? 

Some of you are a bit too young to really realize the ramifications of chronic obesity – because that’s what being fat and over weight really is – obesity. And it will surely shorten your life considerably. Just wait and see.

How’s this gonna sound:

Dear Mrs. Obama: The real reason we have an escalating obesity epidemic in our country today is because most people don’t really care. They’d rather lazily lie around and eat everything in sight, hoping no one notices. 

It doesn’t work that way.

For some, this road will be all too short because of critical health complications . . . 

Cheating on your healthy eating plan just doesn’t pay.

Enjoy the game. But bring your own diet-friendly snacks and drinks. I always carry something low carb that I love to eat to keep me from caving in to the temptation of the carb-loaded “pokey-bait” that’s usually the standard fare for these kinds of affairs.

And by all means, make sure you get your pre-game daily cardio in. 

“If you wanna know about the road ahead, ask someone who’s on her way back.” 

That be me.

Super Bowl’s Best,

# # #

* If you know of any corporation, organization, company, group or individuals that are interested in having me come and present my "Commit To Get Fit" motivational weight loss and wellness programs in the beginning of 2013, I will put on a highly effective presentation tailored specifically for you. Contact info below:

* Laura Dion-Jones is a Pro-Health Activist, Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, Certified Wellness Coach, Radio Show Host, motivational & lifestyle writer & speaker.

* Through Laura's highly successful Commit To Get Fit/Elgin's Biggest Loser motivational weight loss and wellness program, Laura helped motivate over 182 Elgin area residents to lose 1800 pounds in a little over 18 months.
Here's hoping you'll be next.

* Laura is available for speaking engagements, individual coaching, and corporate wellness programs.
Email for further details.

Laura's New Blog:
And don't forget the pups: Snob Hounds Canine Couture:

* As with any new diet and fitness plan, be sure to check with your physician before you begin.

1 comment:

  1. Holidays followed by the Bowl games are a tough time to lose weight. I'm glad there is not a bowl game every weekend!

    C. W.


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